Learn More About the Angel Way, Annie and Karen

Monday, February 28, 2011

Living "now"

One of the hardest things for me is to remember to live in the present moment.  As a single mother, I was always worrying about something.  As a writer, there's always a reason to fret.  I spend a lot of time wondering if I do such and such, or say such and such, what will happen next.  And usually, I can think of so many bad things that might happen next, I can scare myself right under my covers. 

Yet every time this happens, I "hear" the Angels, reassuring me, reminding me to breathe, to relax, to focus on the one small thing I might do to change or ameliorate my present situation.  My life is changing dramatically right now.  I'm standing on the threshold of a whole new phase of my life - and as exciting as that is most of the time, sometimes, it's really scary.  When I feel myself starting to become overwhelmed by the fear, I slow down and stop to the extent that I can.  Then, I take a few minutes and just breathe. 

Mindful breathing is a wonderful way to connect to your sense of the present.  According to the Angels, most of us walk around all day without giving much thought ever to the miracle of respiration that happens in our bodies every minute.  Connecting to the sensation of the breath entering the lungs, filling the deep spaces, enabling the essential oxygen to enter our cells, grounds us in the moment.  The breath can quite literally become a lifeline, or an anchor, stabilizing our emotions and the rest of our energy around the flow of air.  This image, of our physical bodies anchored to a pulse of flowing air is a wonderful metaphor.  When I remember that what flows in and through me and keeps me alive at every moment is that column of moving air, I become more aware of the other invisible aspects of my being as well as the invisible energies all around me.  Then I know I am not alone. 

The world can feel like a chaotic, ever-changing, sometimes frightening place.  The Angels urge us to take some time every day, breathing and paying attention to the intangible elements that sustain us. 

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rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Thanks for the reminder.

In 1999 - a year of BIG change for me - I began a practice of conscious breathing … of pausing three times a day for a single meditative, grounding, *conscious* inhale and exhale. It *is* powerful Medicine.

Initially I had to "force" myself to do it, to actually schedule these three little moments into my planner and check them off when they were done. After several consecutive days it became habit. I still pause to breathe and am grateful for the practice I ingrained so deeply all those years ago - with the help of angels, no doubt.

Unknown said...

i think this was a true case of the Angels giving me a post *I* needed to hear this am! thanks for all you'redoing to spread the word...xoxox

Tammie Lee said...

a lovely reminder. thank you.
found you through Rose (above).