Learn More About the Angel Way, Annie and Karen

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Karen's Angel Way Reading

It's not Sunday, but I couldn't wait to share my recent Angel Way reading that Annie did for me a few days ago. Being a good eater (and exerciser) I don't often need a reading... but I was perplexed by how I was feeling lately and could not pinpoint anything specific that would attribute to what I was experiencing.

Annie asked me to describe how I felt. I told her:
I'm feeling tired but not the kind of tired that comes from feeling overwhelmed or from lack of sleep. I've been attributing how I feel to the weather -- who wouldn't feel lethargic with all this snow! But this usually lasts me a few days and then I get over it. I'm not feeling depressed, either. I'm eating well but feel like something is missing.

Annie responded:
"Magnesium. Minerals. I'm seeing minerals. Do you take a multimineral? What about your B-vitamins, are you getting as much as you think you are? Can you take smaller doses of your vitamins throughout the day so you have a sustained level to work with the foods you eat?"
As soon as she said minerals, a lightbulb went off in my mind. I don't take a multimineral.
Sustained level also resonated with me because I often start the day with plenty of get-up but I run out of steam faster.

I went to a few of my favorite nutrition sources and looked-up foods rich in magnesium. I wanted to identify if I had these foods in my diet in sufficient amounts for my activity level. I also wanted to identify if I craving any of these? Sure enough, both were true for me. here's what I learned:

Nuts and pumpkin seeds are magnesium rich, as are garbonzo beans (chick peas) and yogurt. I had been eating a lot of these foods through the first of the year, but got sick of the same ole stuff so had reduced them in my diet in recent weeks so I wasn't eating much of these, lately. I also had a longing for bananas but the selection in the store was so poor, I stopped buying. I was eating lots of things with tomato or tomato sauce-- even though it's not tomato season around here. I cross-referenced potassium and sodium in foods and saw that I was in need of these minerals in my diet, too. I realized I wanted the salt in the seasonings used with the tomatoes (and everything else, like crackers and pretzles) that I was nibbling on. Bananas, nuts, beans and meats -- all things I either typically eat alot of and/or was recently craving (so not eating much of lately) all made the list. Annie's reading was accurate-- I needed minerals.

I won't go into the nutritonal science, but minerals, especially these three, are critical to the function of the nerves (conduction of signals across the nervous system), regulation of heart rate and blood pressure, and have roles in other aspects of brain function. Potassium, in fact, is critical to the function of every cell in the body. To ME, that = energy conduction.

Sometimes, life with kids and writing and family obligations gets so busy, I don't pay attention to what's going on with me and my nutritional needs. The Angel Reading pointed me in the right direction. I'm aware of the source of the cravings-- a need for these minerals during this 'dark time of the year' and a need to compliment my healthy diet with a good mineral supplement. It'll be a few weeks before the changes I make in my diet and taking a new supplement can manifest in my energy level getting back up to par. Good things come to those who wait :)

Thanks Annie!


Unknown said...

a big hug and a thank you for the validation, karen! i don't always hear back from people and very often i dont remember what i've said to the ones who do.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Don't overlook green foods - as is common these days. The green, leafy foods are a powerhouse of minerals - and in a form that our body's can actually recognize, absorb and assimilate, unlike many of the nutraceuticals.

I love long-simmered kale and eat it in every season. I drink a long-brew nettles infusion 2-3 times a week all the year 'round. There's other green friends too. And all of them serve as my primary source meaningful mineral (and vitamin) nutrition.


Unknown said...

thanks, rose....the Angels do recommend whole foods over supplements.

Kathy said...

Once again, it's amazing that y'all are talking about something that has been an issue with me recently.
My blood pressure has been too high, even though I'm taking my medication every day (not like I used to). I want to avoid upping my medication, but I also want to avoid stroking out.
I am looking for more potassium, less sodium, and I'll bet magnesium would be helpful. And of course, I need to be more active. Physically, not just mentally. Thanks for the push in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for the reminders of alternative selections for minerals. I appreciate the way you keep the conversation going.